The ANSTF and National Invasive Species Council (NISC) identified air transportation as a pathway for invasive species introduction and spread. Seaplanes, which broadly include flying boats, amphibious planes, and float planes, have also been identified as a vector in the spread of high-risk invasive species. Implementing pilot best practices can minimize the spread of aquatic invasive species by seaplanes. Two sets of seaplane pilot best practices have been developed to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species - one for seaplane pilots in the lower 48 and the other for seaplane pilots in Alaska (to address key nuances and differences in seaplane use and infrastructure).
Other Resources
Summary of State Seaplane Regulations (National Sea Grant Law Center 2024)
Regulatory Crosswalk of Best Practices to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species via Seaplanes (National Sea Grant Law Center 2024)
Aquatic Nuisance Species Inspection Procedures For Amphibious Aircraft (Western Regional Panel, 2020)
Invasive Aquatic Plants and Floatplane Operations: Help prevent new infestations (2013)