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Quagga and Zebra Mussels
Note: Dreissenid research linked below has been curated for Western relevance. Please see the online library hosted by the Invasive Mussel Collaborative [here] for a larger compendium of Dreissenid publications and resources.
2015-1985 Archive of QZ Articles
Preparing for Invasive Mussels - Guide (Okanagan Basin Water Board 2024)
Carbon Dioxide Toxicity to Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) is Dependent on Water Chemistry (Barbour et al. 2024)
Toward invasive mussel genetic biocontrol: Approaches, challenges, and perspective (Hernández et al. 2023)
Competition between two congener invaders: Food conditions drive the success of the quagga over zebra mussel in a large shallow lake (Balogh et al.2023)
Dose-mortality relationship for quagga and zebra mussels exposed to EarthTec QZ ionic copper: preliminary findings (Claudi et al., 2023)
Zebra mussel invasion risk: Identifying lakes critical to the spread and establishment of zebra mussels and modeling the western spread of the species [Thesis] (Creamer 2023)
Downstream Transport of Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Environmental DNA and its Implications for Analysis [Thesis] (Whitehead 2023
Invasion dynamics of quagga mussels within a Southern California reservoir and its spatially intermittent watershed (Booth and Culver 2023)
Identifying research in support of the management and control of dreissenid mussels in the western United States (Counihan et al. 2023)
Review and development of best practices for toxicity tests with dreissenid mussels (Waller 2023)
Watercraft decontamination practices to reduce the viability of aquatic invasive species implicated in overland transport (Mohit, et al. 2023)
Passive transport of a zebra mussel attached to a freshwater fish: A novel Dreissena dispersal mechanism? (Ricciardi and Hill 2023)
How Australia Managed to Eradicate its Mytilopsis sallei Infestation
How nature itself could help quash the quagga mussel invasion on the Colorado River
Calcium and pH Dynamics: Potential Influence on Invasive Mussel Establishment Risk in Lentic Waterbodies ( Prisciandaro
2022) -
Advancing early detection technologies for dreissenid mussel invasion: comparing detection of Dreissena polymorpha in environmental samples with environmental DNA (eDNA) and scent detection canines (Plate et al. 2022)
An initial assessment of plankton tow detection probabilities for dreissenid mussels in the western United States (Winder et al 2022)
The Potential Impacts of Invasive Quagga and Zebra Mussels on Macroinvertebrate Communities: An Artificial Stone Substrate Based Field Experiment Using Stable Isotopes (Zhang et al. 2022)
The distribution and spread of quagga mussels in peri-alpine lakes north of the Alps (Haltiner et al., 2022)
An initial assessment of plankton tow detection probabilities for dreissenid mussels in the western United States (Winder et al 2022)
Water test: quagga mussels hijack key Great Lakes nutrient (2022)
Enhanced Systems to Fight Zebra Mussels are on the Way: Construction to Begin at Austin Water Treatment Plants (City of Austin 2022)
Calcium concentrations in the lower Columbia River, USA, are generally sufficient to support invasive bivalve spread (Bollens et al)
An experimental evaluation of the efficacy of imaging flow cytometry (FlowCam) for detecting invasive Dreissened and Corbiculid bivalve veligers (Hassett et al. 2021)
USGS Biological Threats and Invasive Species Program Product list 2011-2021; Mussels
Use of carbon dioxide to prevent zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) settlement and effects on native mussels (Order Unionoida) and benthic communities (Waller et al. 2021)
US Bureau of Reclamation Costs Associated with Invasive Mussels Impacts and Management ( U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 2021)
Cascading effects: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network (Bahlai et al. 2021) [An Example with Zebra Mussels and Cyanobacteria in Lakes]
Case Studies: Impact and Control of Invasive Mussels at Hydropower Plants (U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 2021)
Benthic invaders control the phosphorus cycle in the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem (Li et al. 2021)
Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector (USDA Forest Service 2021)
Boat ramps facilitate the dispersal of the highly invasive zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) (Rodríguez-Rey et al. 2020)
Mussel Blasting [video 8min] (Great Lakes Now 2020)
The effectiveness of hot water pressurized spray in field conditions to slow the spread of invasive alien species (S.J. Bradbeer et al. 2020)
A hybrid gravity and route choice model to assess vector traffic in large-scale road networks (S.M. Fischer et al. 2020)
Zebra mussel invasion of Texas lakes: estimating dispersal potential via boats (Robertson et al. 2020)
Incidence of Zebra Mussel on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Structures (Hay et al. 2020)
Aquatic invasive species change ecosystem services from the world's largest wild Sockeye Salmon fisheries in Alaska (Schwoerer et al. 2019)
Zebra Mussel Control with Low-Dose Copper in Lake Minnetonka (MAISRC 2019)
Experimental evidence of chemical attraction in the mutualistic zebra mussel-killer shrimp system (Rolla et al. 2019)
An integrated pest management tactic for quagga mussels: Site-specific application of fish biological control agents (Culver et al. 2019)
Dreissenid (quagga and zebra mussel) veligers are adversely affected by bloom forming cyanobacteria (Boegehold et al. 2019)
Invader invaded: population dynamics of zebra/quagga mussels in polymictic Oneida Lake, NY, USA (1992–2013) (Hetherington et al. 2019)
Assessing materials' short-term effectiveness on controlling zebra mussel (Willson and Lambert 2019)
Distribution patterns of the early invasion of zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha in the south basin of Lake Winnipeg (Enders et al. 2019)
Using environmental DNA to extend the window of early detection for dreissenid mussels (Sepulveda et al. 2019)
Use of carbon dioxide in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) control and safety to a native freshwater mussel (Fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) (Waller and Bartsch 2018)
Quantifying a shift in benthic dominance from zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) to quagga (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) mussels in a large, inland lake (Ginn et al. 2018)
Dispersal of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) downstream of an invaded reservoir (Olson et al. 2018)
Strategy to advance management of invasive zebra and quagga mussels (Invasive Mussel Collaborative 2018)
Treatment options for the eradication of limited-scale zebra mussel infestations at various water temperatures (MAIRSC 2018)
An evaluation of the toxicity of potassium chloride, active compound in the molluscicide potash, on salmonid fish and their forage base (USDOI and USGS 2018)
Boater knowledge and behavior regarding aquatic invasive species at a boat wash station (Cimino and Strecker 2018)
Effects of temperature and exposure duration on four potential rapid-response tools for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) eradication (Luoma et al. 2018)
Could dreissenid veligers be the lost biomass of invaded lakes? (Bowen et al 2018)
Downstream dispersal of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) under different flow conditions in a coupled lake-stream ecosystem (Churchill and Quigley 2018)
Invasive elodea threatens remote ecosystem services in Alaska: A spatially-explicit bioeconomic risk analysis (Schwoerer 2017)
How the Bureau of Reclamation has dealt with biofouling at lower Colorado River dams (Willett 2017)
Invasive dreissenid mussels benefit invasive crayfish but not native crayfish in the Laurentian Great Lakes (Glon et al. 2017)
Determining the toxicity of antifreeze to quagga mussels (Stockton-Fiti 2017)
Investigation of the Edwards protocol's effectiveness on dreissenid mussel veligers (Stockton-Fiti and Moffitt 2017)
Toxicity of potassium chloride compared to sodium chloride for zebra mussel contamination (Davis et al. 2017)
Toxicity of antifreeze to Dreissena bugensis veligers and adults (K. Alame et al.2017)
Evaluation of the effects of ultra-violet light treatment on quagga mussel settlement and veliger survival at Davis Dam (Pucherelli and Claudi 2017)
Use of alternating and pulsed direct current electrified fields for zebra mussel control (Luoma et al. 2017)
Effects of the biopesticide Zequanox on reproduction and early development of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)
Field evaluation of the service life of foul-release coatings in Columbia River (Wells and Sytsma 2016)
Toxicity of potassium chloride to veliger and byssal stage dreissenid mussels related to water quality (Moffitt et al. 2016)
Veliger presence in residual water – assessing this pathway risk for Minnesota watercraft (Montz and Hirsch 2016)
The role of waterfowl and fishing gear on zebra mussel larvae dispersal (Banha et al. 2016)
Golden Mussels - Limnoperna fortunei
Golden Mussel fact sheet (CDWR 2024)
Other Aquatic Invertebrates
First comprehensive list of non-native species established in three major regions of the United States (USGS 2018)
Developing a survey (probability) design to evaluate the presence and distribution of aquatic invasive species in low risk waterbodies in the Greater Yellowstone Area (Griswold and Larsen 2011)
Middle Columbia River Aquatic Nonindigenous Alien Invasive Species Survey (Portland State University, November 2007)
Corbicula Clams
Abundance and growth of the invasive Asian clam, Corbicula fluminea, in the lower Columbia River, USA. (Hendrickson and Bollens 2022)
Risks and effectiveness of benthic barriers as tools to eradicate infestations of Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) in the Ellisport Bay treatment area of Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho (Moffitt and Wilhelm 2017)
Veligers of the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea in the Columbia River Basin: Broadscale distribution, abundance, and ecological associations (Hassett et al. 2017)
New Zealand Mud Snails
Efficacy of commercially available quaternary ammonium compounds for controlling New Zealand mudsnails Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Stout et al. 2016)
Does water chemistry limit the distribution of New Zealand mud snails in Redwood National Park? (Vasquez et al. 2016)
Non-native crayfish
USGS Biological Threats and Invasive Species Program Product list 2011-2021; Crayfish
Evaluation of chemical control for nonnative crayfish at a warm-water fish production hatchery (Allert et al. 2016)
Aquatic Plants
USGS Biological Threats and Invasive Species Program Product list 2011-2021: Phragmites
Columbia Basin Flowering Rush Management Plan: A regional strategy to address Butomus umbellatus throughout the Columbia Basin (Columbia Basin CWMA 2019)
Invasive Plant Management Planning - Technical Considerations (National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service 2018)
Evaluation of large-scale low-concentration 2,4-D treatments for Eurasian and hybrid watermilfoil control across multiple Wisconsin lakes (Nault et al. 2017)
Biology and control of aquatic plants (Gettys et al. 2014)
The Origin of Invasive Microorganisms Matters for Science, Policy, and Management: The Case of Didymosphenia geminata (Taylor and Bothwell 2014)
Viability of Aquatic Plant Fragments following Desiccation (Barnes et al. 2013)
Eurasian watermilfoil fitness loss and invasion potential following desiccation during simulated overland transport (Jerde et al. 2012)
Simulated overland transport of Eurasian watermilfoil: Survival of desiccated plant fragments (Mcalarnen et al. 2012)
Freshwater Fish
Emerging control strategies for integrated pest management of invasive carps (Cupp, et al. 2021)
American Shad in the Columbia River: Past, Present, Future ( NWPPC ISAB 2021-4 Shad Report)
USGS Biological Threats and Invasive Species Program Product list 2011-2021; Asian Carp
Damming salmon fry: evidence for predation by non-native warmwater fishes in reservoirs (Murphy et al. 2021)
Control of globally invasive common carp: An 11-year commercial trial of the Williams' Cage (Stuart and Conallin 2018)
Draft National Control and Management Plan for Members of the Snakehead Family (Channidae) (ANSTF 2014)
Quality Assurance Project Plan eDNA Monitoring Of Bighead And Silver Carps (2013)
2011 Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework (The Asian Carp Regional Control Committee 2010)
Asian Carp and the Great Lakes Region (CRS 2012)
Patterns in CPUE of Native Prey Fish and Alien Piscivorous Fish in 7 Pacific Northwest USA Rivers (Hughes and Herlihy 2012)
A biological risk assessment for an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) invasion in Alaskan waters (February 2012)
Ecological Impacts of Non-native Freshwater Fishes (Cucherousset and Olden 2011)
Smallmouth Bass in the Pacific Northwest: A Threat to Native Species; a Benefit for Anglers (Carey et al. 2011)
Ocean distribution of the American shad (Alosa sapidissima) along the Pacific coast of North America (Pearcy and Fisher 2011)
Atlantic Salmon
Cypress Island Atlantic Salmon Net Pen Failure: An Investigation and Review (Clark et al. 2017)
Summary of reported Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) catches and sightings in British Columbia and results of field work conducted in 2011 and 2012 (Andres 2015)
Assessment of the risk of invasion of national forest streams in the Pacific Northwest by farmed Atlantic salmon (Bisson 2006)
Review of potential impacts of Atlantic salmon culture on Puget Sound chinook salmon and Hood Canal summer-run chum salmon evolutionarily significant units (Waknitz et al. 2002)
Photo Credit: Jesse Schultz WDFW