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CRB Meeting Summaries
Dec 2016 - Current

June 4-5, 2024


Remembrance for Tim Counihan (S. Phillips, PSMFC)

Columbia Basin Monitoring Forum (TR. Draheim, PSMFC contractor)

Monitoring Strategy for 2024

M. Beck, BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resources

C. McLane, Montana

N. Zurfluh, Idaho  

J. Schultz, Washington

Kit Rouhe, Portland State University

S. Bollens, WA State University

A. Huddleston, USACE
T. Thom, USFWS

Discussion Questions (R. Draheim)

Lake Roosevelt Monitoring Coordination Effort (R. Draheim, PSMFC contractor)
Correlating WID data to Monitoring Prioritization (R. Walters, Colorado Parks and Wildlife)

Idaho Snake River Quagga Mussel Response (N. Zurfluh, Idaho Department of Agriculture)

Regional Rapid Response Cache Discussion (H. Smith & M. Frey, Dept. Interior)

A State Perspective on the Value of an Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response Cache (J. Bush, WDFW)

MT-BC cross-border exercise and future rapid response training (L. Elwell, Conservation Collaborations)

Preparing for CRB Dreissenid Eradication and Control: A decadal journey and key next steps (L. DeBruyckere, Creative Resource Strategies)

Updated Finfish Transport Permit Protocol (R. Seballos, WDFW)

Seaplane and AIS Risk Assessment (L. DeBruyckere, Creative Resource Strategies)

AIS in Commerce: Tools for Agencies and Tribes (L. Elwell, Conservation Collaborations)

Missoula County Invasive Species District (R. Donaldson, Missoula County)

Montana Bullfrog Eradication Efforts (A. Soukkala, CSKT)

Flowering Rush Control on Flathead Lake (V. Dupuis, Salish Kootenai College)

CSTK AIS Program Advancements (K. Finley-Squeque, CSKT)

Legislative Update (S. Phillips, PSMFC)

Federal Partner Updates

Hilary Smith, US Department of Interior

Theresa Thom, US Fish and Wildlife

Heidi McMaster, Bureau of Reclamation


State, Provincial, Federal, and Tribal CRB Partner Updates on Watercraft Inspection and Prevention Programs

Martina Beck, BC Ministry of Environment

Keith DeHart, OR Department of Fish and Wildlife

Nic Zurfluh, ID Department of Agriculture

Tom Woolf, MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Blaine Parker, CRITFC

Eric Anderson, WA Department Fish & Wildlife

Kevin Netcher, NV Department of Wildlife

Chris Wight, WY Game and Fish

Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Training 2024 and Training Assessment (E. Brown, EB Consulting)


December 12-13, 2023


Day One Recording

Day Two Recording

Idaho Snake River Quagga Mussel Response (N. Zurfluh, Idaho Department of Agriculture)
Regional Rapid Response Discussion and Updates (All participants)


• Progress and Update, USACE Rapid Response Funds, GAO Report Findings

Columbia Basin Monitoring Forum (T. Counihan, USGS; R. Draheim, PSMFC)

Monitoring Strategy for 2024

M. Beck, BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resources

N. Zurfluh, Idaho  

C. McLane, Montana

J. Schultz, Washington  

C. de Rivera, Portland State University

S. Bollens, WA State University

D. Walter, USACE  

H. McMaster, Bureau of Reclamation

National eDNA Toolbox Development and Opportunities (J. Amberg, USGS)

WA European Green Crab Emergency Measures Update (C. Johnson-Biondo , J. Bush, WDFW) 

European Green Crab Management Plan for Alaska (T. Davis, Alaska DFG)

Ballast Water Management VIDA Update – EPA Supplement (J. Bush, WDFW)

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife AIS Prevention Protocols and Cross Program/Department Collaboration (J. Schultz, L. Shakeri Mohar, WDFW

Pike Management in PNW Early detection and Monitoring (C. Lee, WDFW)

Federal Partner Updates

Hilary Smith, US Department of Interior

Theresa Thom, US Fish and Wildlife

Heidi McMaster, Bureau of Reclamation

State, Provincial and Tribal CRB Partner Updates

Martina Beck, BC Ministry of Environment

Rick Boatner, OR Department of Fish and Wildlife

Nic Zurfluh, ID Department of Agriculture

Tom Woolf, MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Eric Anderson and Jesse Schultz, WA Department Fish & Wildlife

Kevin Netcher, NV Department of Wildlife

Watercraft Inspection Program QAQC (S. Ricklefs, ISAN)

Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Training 2023-2024 (E. Brown, PSMFC Consultant)

Climate Risk Assessment and AIS (M. Beck, British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship)

Legislative Update (S. Phillips, PSMFC)

Moss ball After Action Report Finalization (R. Hopkins, Willamette University and S. Chan, Oregon Sea Grant)

June 7-8, 2023

Columbia Basin Monitoring Forum

Monitoring Partners within the CRB - Rapid Reports for 2023 Season 

Martina Beck, BC

Nic Zurfluh, ID

Tom Woolf, MT

Jesse Schultz, WA

Steve Bollens, WSU

Damian Walter, USACE

Theresa Thom, USFWS

Chris Wight, WY

USGS Rapid Environmental DNA Assessment and Deployment Initiative & Network (READI-Net) (A. Sepulveda, USGS)

Mussel Monitoring Data Repository and Map Use and Standardization (R. Draheim, PSMFC Contractor)

eDNA Lab Analysis Standardization and iTRACK (C. Helbing, University of Victoria; K. Klymus, USGS)

Review Charge of CRB Monitoring Forum (T. Counihan)

Columbia Basin AIS Team Meeting

Dreissenid Rapid Response Exercises and Preparation (L. Elwell, Conservation Collaborations)

Washington State Northern Pike Rapid Response Plan Development (J. Schultz, WDFW)

Green Crab Management Response in the Pacific Northwest (A. Pleus, WDFW)

National After-Action Report - Moss Ball Incident (S. Chan, Oregon Sea Grant)

State and Tribal Collaborations on Rapid Response (T. Woolf, MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks)

National Rapid Response Fund (S. Pasko, USFWS)

National AIS Legislative Update (S. Phillips, PSMFC)

Department of Interior Update including Infrastructure Act implementation (H. Smith, Dept. of Interior)

Northwest Regional Pike Coordination Forum (L. Robinson, UCUT)

Northern Pike Tracking In Lake Coeur d'Alene (J. Firehammer, Coeur D'Alene Tribe)

Research Advancements for Dreissenid Mussel Eradication (S. Suhr, Biomilab)

State, Provincial and Tribal CRB Partner Updates

Martina Beck, BC Ministry of Environment

Rick Boatner, OR Department of Fish and Wildlife

Nic Zurfluh, ID Department of Agriculture

Tom Woolf, MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Blaine Parker, CRITFC

Eric Anderson and Jesse Schultz, WA Department Fish & Wildlife

Kevin Netcher, NV Department of Wildlife

J. Leonard, WY Department of Fish and Game

Aquatic Invasive Plant Management Across Idaho (J. Varley, ID Dept. Agriculture)

Water Resource Development Act Update, including Basin Expansion and Pike (J. Grundman and K. Wegner, USACE)

National Invasive Species Council and Invasive Species Advisory Committee Priorities and Actions (S. Burgiel, NISC)

NAISMA Priorities National AIS Commission (E. Brown, NAISMA)

Discussion on Dreissenid Mussel High Priority Infested Waterbody Management 

Correlating Watercraft Inspection and Decontamination Station Data with Dreissenid Hotspots

Tom Woolf, MT

Nic Zurfluh, ID

Rick Boatner, OR

Eric Anderson, WA

Martina Beck, BC

Chris Wight, WY

Dreissenid Infested Water Management (R. Walters, CO; B. Johnson, UT; K. Netcher, NV)

Addressing Great Lakes Threats

Call Before You Haul (L. DeBruyckere, Creative Resource Strategies, LLC)

Trends and Communication for Online Sales of Watercraft (T. Campbell, WI Sea Grant)

December 6-7, 2022

Columbia Basin Monitoring Forum

Policy Actions Needed to Unlock eDNA Potential  - Dr David Lodge, Cornell University

Updates on 2022 Monitoring Season and Plans for 2023: PSU, WSU, OR, BC, MT


Columbia Basin AIS Team Meeting

Northern Pike Management in the Basin: Northern Pike Coordination Group Update (Laura Robinson, Upper Columbia United Tribes)

Northern Pike Management in the Basin: Pend Oreille Suppression and Monitoring (Nick Bean, Kalispel Tribe)

Northern Pike Management in the Basin: Lake Roosevelt Suppression and Monitoring; Rapid Response Plan for the mid-Columbia (Holly McLellan, Colville Tribe)

European Green Crab Response in WA (Allen Pleus, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)

European Green Crab Preparedness in Alaska (Lisa DeBruyckere and Leah Elwell)

AIS Legislative Update (Stephen Phillips, PSMFC)

Rapid Response in the CRB (Lisa DeBruyckere, Creative Resource Strategies (virtual) Leah Elwell, Invasive Species Action Network)

• NOAA ESA Manual Updates

• CRB Vulnerability Assessment Team Update

• 2022 and Future Exercises

• National ANSTF Rapid Response Materials in Development

Partner Updates – state, tribal, provincial, and regional partners 

USACE APC-WID Updates (Jonas Grundman US Army Corps of Engineers)

Flowering Rush Management Advancements (Damian Walter, USACE)

Columbia Basin Flowering Rush Cost-Share Program

Progress Update on Flowering Rush Biocontrol Approval (Jenn Andreas, Washington State University)

Creating an Action Plan for AIS in Commerce (Leah Elwell and Lisa DeBruyckere)

Progress Update: Call Before you Haul (Lisa DeBruyckere, Creative Resource Strategies, LLC)

The Impact of the T-32 on AIS Boat Design - Elizabeth Brown, EB Consulting LLC 

Regional and National Updates (15 minutes each)

• Department of the Interior – USGS BIL Projects - Cynthia Tam /James English, US Geological Survey (virtual) 

• Bureau of Reclamation - Heidi McMaster, US Bureau of Reclamation

US Fish and Wildlife Service (Theresa Thom, US Fish and Wildlife Service)


Applying the Extended Parallel Process Model to Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Behaviors in Wading Anglers  (Tim Campbell, Wisconsin Sea Grant 


Recreational Paddlers and Aquatic Invasive Species: Are Oregonians - Taking AIS Preventative Measures? - Alyssa Garcia, Oregon State University and Sam Chan, Oregon Sea Grant 

December 2022
June 2022
June 22-23, 2022


June 22, 2022 - COLUMBIA BASIN MONITORING FORUM Day 1  (Link to recording)

June 23, 2022 - COLUMBIA BASIN MONITORING FORUM Day 2  (Link to recording)

January 11-12, 2022


January 11, 2022 - COLUMBIA BASIN MONITORING FORUM  (Link to recording)

January 11, 2022 - COLUMBIA BASIN 100TH MERIDIAN TEAM MEETING  (Link to recording) (Starts at 2:17:24)

January 12, 2022 - COLUMBIA RIVER BASIN 100TH MERIDIAN TEAM MEETING (Link to recording)

January 2022
June 21
June 8-9, 2021


June 8 , 2021 - COLUMBIA BASIN MONITORING FORUM  (Link to recording)

June 8 , 2021 - COLUMBIA BASIN MONITORING FORUM (Link to recording)(Starts at 2:02:14)


Dec 2020
Jun 2020
December 2-3, 2020





June 2020 Portland, Oregon

Meeting Minutes | Agenda


Jan 2020
January 2020 Portland, Oregon

Meeting Minutes | Agenda



Jun 2019
June 2019 Spokane, Washington

Meeting Minutes

Final Agenda

State and Provincial Watercraft Inspection Program Updates and Reviews​

Montana (T. Woolf)

British Columbia (M. Beck and A. Canuel)

Lake Powell Containment Updates (N. Owens)

Other Presentations

Management Perspectives and Lessons Learned
(E. Raney)

USFWS Funding for Quagga/Zebra Mussel Action Plan in the Western United States (B. Shemai)

National Invasive Species Council Update (S. Burgiel)

Geofencing and Mobile Technologies for Watercraft (AIS Solutions)

Seaplane Inspection Committee (WRP)

PNW Region Seaplane Self-Certification (A. Anderson)

Lake Roosevelt Northern Pike Update (H. McLellan, S. Wolvert, A. Blake, J. Seibert, C. Lee, and T. Parsons)

Water Resources Development Act: Aquatic Invasive Species (M. Shutters, J. Crossland)

Safeguarding the West and other Invasive Species Updates (H. Smith, B. Horsburgh)

Invasive Species Management Can Benefit from eDNA (A. Sepulveda et al.)

Endangered Species Act Compliance for Dreissenid Mussel Response in the Columbia River Basin States of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana (L. DeBruyckere, T. Thom)

Contaminated Dreissenid Watercraft Intercepted by State/Province, 2012-2018 (L.DeBruyckere)

Lake Tahoe Region Aquatic Invasive Species Action Agenda (L. DeBruyckere)

Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (A. Pleus, N. Dobroski)

Monitoring in the Columbia River Basin (R. Draheim)

Columbia River Basin Monitoring (T. Counihan)

Legislative Update (S. Phillips)

eDNA Monitoring Research (A. Sepulveda)

(Note: This information is preliminary and is subject to revision and not for citation or distribution. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The information is provided on the condition that neither the U.S. Geological Survey nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the information.)

Dec 2018
December 2018 Boise, Idaho

Meeting Minutes

Final Agenda

Monitoring Forum Work Session Agenda

State and Provincial Watercraft Inspection Program Updates and Reviews​

Other Presentations​

Jun 2018
June 2018 Portland, Oregon

Meeting Minutes

State and Provincial Watercraft Inspection Program Updates and Reviews

Other Presentations​

Nov 2017
November 2017 Portland, Oregon

Meeting Minutes

Watercraft Inspection Program Updates and Reviews

  • Alberta and British Columbia Overview (C. Sawchuk, M. Beck)

  • Idaho Department of Fish and Game (N. Zurfluh)

  • Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (R. Boatner)

  • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (A. Pleus)

  • Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (S. Schmidt)

  • Action Plan—Endangered Species Act Compliance for Quagga/Zebra Mussel Response in the Columbia River Basin States (L. DeBruyckere)

  • Vulnerability and Habitat Suitability of Fort Peck Lake Recreation, Water, Water Supply, and Fish and Wildlife Features to Invasive Mussel Impacts (L. DeBruyckere)

  • Vulnerability Assessment Update in the Columbia River Basin (L. DeBruyckere)

  • The Northern Pike are Coming and You Should be Afraid (J. Maroney)

  • Upper Columbia Conservation Commission (K. Wilson)

  • Mussel Dogs (D. DeShon)

  • Model Quagga/Zebra Mussel Reciprocal Certification Program for Clear Lake and Neighboring Lakes in Northern California (L. DeBruyckere, R. Draheim, S. Showalter-Otts)

  • An Update on Flowering Rush Coordination in the Columbia River Basin (J. Bush)

  • WRDA/WRRDA/WIIN and National AIS Legislative Update (S. Phillips)

  • UMPS IV/ 2017 Wenatchee RR Exercise/2017 WRP (L. Elwell)

Water Body Monitoring in the Columbia River Basin States and Provinces

  • Alberta (R. Zurawell)

  • British Columbia (M. Beck)

  • Washington State University and US Geological Survey (S. Bollens, G. Rollwagen-Bollens, T. Counihan, B. Parker)

  • Bureau of Reclamation (D. Hosler)

  • Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (E. Hanson)

  • Idaho State Department of Agriculture (N. Zurfluh)

  • Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (S. Schmidt)

  • Portland State University, Center for Lakes and Reservoirs (M. Sytsma)

  • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (A. Pleus)

Building Consensus (WRP) – Field and Lab Standards Workgroups

  • Field Standards – plankton (K. Vargas)

  • Field Standards – substrates (E. Raney)

  • Lab Standards (S. Wells)

  • Risk assessment and water body monitoring analysis (T. Counihan)

  • eDNA (A. Sepulveda)

Jun 217
June 2017 Helena, Montana

Meeting Minutes



Dec 2016
December 2016, Portland, Oregon

Meeting Minutes



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