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Ballast Water/Biofouling Documents | Links | VIDA | PacDASH
Tammy Davis
Invasive Species Program, Project Leader
Box 25526
Juneau, AK 99802-5526
(907) 465-6183
Josh Emerson
Ballast Water Program Coordinator
OR Dept. Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St. Ste 600
Portland, Oregon 97232
Ph: (503) 229-6865
Fax: (503) 229-5408
Justin Bush
Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator
Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
600 Capitol Way N.
Olympia, WA 98501-1091
(564) 669-9486
Mr. John Morris
Environmental Standards Division
2703 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Stop 7509
Washington DC 20593-7509
(202) 372-1433
Chris Scianni
Environmental Program Manager
Marine Invasive Species Program
California State Lands Commission
301 E. Ocean Blvd, Suite 100 South
Long Beach, CA 90802
Ph: (562) 499-6390
Fax: (916) 574-1950
Bonnie Antcliffe, Manager
Director of Resource Management Program Delivery
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
200 – 401 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3S4
(604) 666-6931
The mission of the Pacific Ballast Water and Biofouling Group (PBWBG) is to promote development and implementation of safe, economical, effective management of aquatic nuisance species associated with West Coast shipping.
The PBWBG was formed in 1998 following a series of informal meetings of West Coast state/provincial and federal agency and shipping industry representatives from the US and Canada concerned about the introduction of aquatic nuisance species through ballast water discharge. The PBWBG serves as a coordinating body to share information and formulate consensus solutions on ballast water management and research issues of common concern to regulators, managers, scientists and the shipping industry on the West Coast (Canada, California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska). Beginning in 2002, the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) began to serve as the administrative entity and provide staff support to the PBWBG. Stephen Phillips, PSMFC, currently serves as chair of the PBWBG.
The PBWBG has also been coordinating its activities with the West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health. The agreement’s Action Plan, completed in 2008, identified the need to prevent the future establishment of non-native species by reducing pathways of introduction, including release from ballast water. The Action Plan also identifies the PBWBG as a forum for states to coordinate their ballast water policies.
The PBWBG meets annually. The PBWBG also sponsors periodic technical workshops on issues of mutual concern to the region including, “Testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: General Guidelines and Step-wise Strategy Toward Shipboard Testing (2005)”, and “Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas: Physical and Biological Oceanographic Considerations (2006).”
2025 PBWBG Meeting
The 2025 Pacific Ballast Water and Biofouling Group Meeting has been scheduled for April 29 & 30, 2025. It will be held at Hyatt Centric The Pike Long Beach in Long Beach, California. Guest rooms are $191/night in the room block which closes March 30, 2025. Reserve a room using this link and register online here. Contact Amy Stark if you have any questions
Past PBWBG Meetings:
April 24-25, 2024
Invasive Species and the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (Ryan J Thresher & Joseph Adamson, USCG)
U.S. EPA Ballast Water Update (Jack Faulk, USEPA)
State Agency Ballast Water Reports
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (Amanda Newsom & Justin Bush)
California State Lands Commission (Chris Scianni)
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (Josh Emerson)
Hawai'i Department of Natural Resources (Elizabeth Monaghan & Sarah Tom)
California Ballast Water Sampling for Compliance Assessment (Lina Ceballos-Osuna, CSLC)
Washington Ballast Water Sampling Program (Amanda Newsom & Justin Bush, WDFW)
Ballast Water: Dead or Alive? (Marcie Merksamer, Enviromanagement Inc.)
Marine & Aquatic Biosecurity Section (Sonia Gorgula, Australian Government Ballast Water Unit)
Ballast Water Management System Familiarization and Inspection Training Program (Simplify Ballast and Enviromanagement, Inc.)
Ballast Water Compliance is Possible: The Last Steps (Lisa Drake, SGS Global Marine Services)
Golden Bear Research Center Activities (Chris Brown, Golden Bear Research Center)
State and Federal VIDA Consultation (Chris Scianni, CSLC & Justin Bush WDFW)
PAC-DA-SH and Multistate Data Management Discussion (Lina Ceballos-Osuna, CSLC & States)
Ballast Water Treatment System Use in California/Operator System Malfunction (Jonathan Thompson, CSLC)
Balancing the consequences of in-water cleaning of biofouling to improve ship efficiency and reduce biosecurity risk (Chris Scianni, CSLC)
IMO GloFouling Biofouling Project (Lisa Drake, SGS Global Marine Services)
Biological Testing of Ships' Ballast Water Indicates Challenges for the Implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention (Sarah Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Robotic Hull Cleaning (Sidney McLaurin & Anjali Boyd, Fleet Robotics)
Robotic Hull Cleaning (Karl Lander, Greensea IQ)
Legislative/Other Discussion (Stephen Phillips, PSMFC)
March 28-29, 2023
Ballast water testing and biocide residuals (L. Drake, SGS Global Marine Services)
US Coast Guard/Environmental Protection Agency (J. Morris, USCG; J Faulk, EPA)
Washington DFW VIDA Section Strategic Planning (Amanda Newsom, WDFW)
State agency water ballast reports
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (A. Pleus and A. Newsom)
California State Lands Commission (C. Scianni)
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (J. Emerson)
Hawai'i Department of Natural Resources (Elizabeth Monaghan)
Experience & Views on Vessel Discharge Implementation & Compliance (M. Merksamer, EnviroManagement, Inc.)
Reviewing a Year of BWMS Testing (S. Loicano, Golden Bear Research Center)
Pacific States Data Sharing Project - "PAC-DA-SH" (L. Ceballos, CSLC)
Ballast Water Treatment System Use in California (J. Thompson, CSLC)
In-water Cleaning Current Developments (C. Scianni, CSLC)
CSUM Update (C. Brown, Cal Maritime)
Canadian Biofouling Risk Assessment Project (T. Brinklow, Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Legislative/Other Discussion (S. Phillips, PSMFC)
March 29-30, 2022
Commissioning testing of ballast water management systems: Shipboard results and lessons learned (L. Drake, SGS Global Marine Services)
US Coast Guard/Environmental Protection Agency (J. Morris, USCG; J Faulk, EPA)
First look at implementing ballast water discharge performance standards in California (J. Thompson, CSLC)
State agency ballast water reports
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (A. Pleus and A. Newsom)
California State Lands Commission (C. Scianni)
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (J. Emerson)
Hawai'i Department of Natural Resources (Elizabeth Monaghan)
Experience and views on vessel discharge implementation and compliance (M. Merksamer, EnviroManagement, Inc.)
Commissioning testing and shipboard sampling (S. Loiacono, CSUM)
Canadian BW Update (A. Rushwan, Transport Canada)
OneTANK mobile ballast water treatment - emergencies, contingencies, and special cases (S. Ritchie, Glisten)
Yes, we CANZ: Initial compliance and lessons learned from regulating vessel biofouling management in California and New Zealand (L. Ceballos, CSLC)
Evaluating the efficacy and environmental impacts from in-water cleaning of commercial vessels (C. Scianni, CSLC)
Publicly available data session - MISP Data: Open Access (L. Ceballos, CSLC, WDFW, group discussion)
April 6, 2021
Golden Bear Research Center (GBRC) Update (C. Brown)
Ballast Water Program Update Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (J. Emerson)
EPA Ballast Water Update (J. Faulk)
Commissioning Testing of Ballast Water Management Systems: Shipboard Results and Lessons Learned (L. Drake)
USCG Ballast Water Management Program (J. Morris)
Washington State Ballast Inspections COVID-19 (A. Newsom)
Washington State ballast water data program 2019/2020 (A. Newsom)
California’s Marine Invasive Species Program (C. Scianni)
Pandemic: Adjustments to Inspection Processes - California State Lands Commission (J. Thompson)
April 2-3, 2019
Introduction to the Ballast Water Equipment Manufacturers' Association (M. Merksamer)
Management of ballast water in Hawaii (G. Devine)
California's Marine Invasive Species Program (N. Dobroski)
Foreign trade patterns drive ballast water delivery to San Francisco Bay, CA (D. Verna, M. Minton, and G. Ruiz)
IMO developments for BWMS commissioning testing using indicative analysis (M. Merksamer)
The first year of implementing biofouling management regulations: What have we learned and what's next? (C. Scianni)
Ballast treatment compliance: Searching for science in ballast water discharge standards (N. Welschmeyer, Golden Bear Research Center)
Washington State Ballast Water Program Quarterly Summary Report (A. Pleus)
Ballast water exchange plus ballast water treatment (J. Thompson)
Sampling and contingency measures (Glosten)
Risk analysis based on reported data (L. Ceballos-Osuna)
Golden Bear Research Center Update (C. Brown)
Oregon Ballast Water Program (J. Emerson, S. Idczak)
April 11-12, 2018
Update on Coast Guard Ballast Water Initiatives/Standards/IMO Activities (J. Morris, US Coast Guard)
US EPA Vessel General Permit Administration (J. Faulk, EPA)
California's Marine Invasive Species Program (N. Dobroski, California State Lands Commission)
Oregon's Ballast Water Program (R. Hooff, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality)
Washington State Ballast Water Program: Strategic Plan Implementation (A. Pleus, WDFW)
Developments in Hawaii Ballast Water and Biofouling Program (J. Kuo, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources)
State Coordination of Ballast Water Reporting (C. Czajkowski, M Corp)
Golden Bear Facility Updates (C. Brown, California, Maritime Academy)
California Risk Assessment Process for Vessel Arrivals (J. Thompson, CSLC)
Washington Vessel Risk Assessment Protocols (A. Pleus, WDFW)
Canada Update (R. Balla)
Compliance Alternatives – Discussion on Challenges To Compliance – Including Turbid Waters, Hold Time and Learning (K. Reynolds, Glosten)
The Arctic Invasive Alien Species (ARIAS) Strategy Strategy and Action Plan (L. Shaw, NOAA)
Discussion on a Regionally Consistent Approach to Regulating In-Water Cleaning (C. Scianni, CSLC)
April 12-13, 2017
US Coast Guard Ballast Water Management (J. Morris, US Coast Guard)
California's Marine Invasive Species Program (N. Dobroski, California State Lands Commission)
Oregon's Ballast Water Program (R. Hooff, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality)
Regulating Vessel Biofouling and In-Water Cleaning in Hawaii (J. Kuo, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources)
Hawai'i Ballast Water Rules, Standards, Current Analysis (B. Higgins, J. Kuo, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Div. of Aquatic Resources)
US EPA Vessel General Permit: Implementation and Reissuance (J. Emerson, US Environmental Protection Agency)
BW Planning and Compliance Efforts to Meet IMO Requirements - 4 Examples (B. Bjorndal, Assure Controls, Inc)
In-Water Cleaning (C. Scianni, California State Lands Commission)
The Pacific Coast Region: Potential Solutions to Lingering Compliance Issues and Industry Concerns (C. Brown, CSLC)
Update on Ballast Water Research in Canada (S. Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Ballast Water: Contingency Treatment Update (K. Fitzgerald, Glosten)
Ballast Water Management System Testing at Golden Bear Facility (R. Muller, Golden Bear Facility)
March 29-30, 2016
Antifouling coatings used on vessels arriving at California ports (R. Nedelcheva,CSLC)
Ballast Water Management System Testing at Golden Bear Facility ( R. Muller, CMA)
Ballast Water Treatment System Use in California (J. Thompson, CSLC)
Ballast Water Treatment Testing Conceptions and Misconceptions (N. Welschmeyer, MLML)
Calif Adding biofouling regulations to the mix to manage the entire vessel as a vector (C. Scianni, CSLC)
Calif Ballast Water Management and Enforcement (C. Brown, CSLC)
California's Marine Invasive Species Program (N. Dobroski, CSLC)
EPA - Invasive Species Mitigation Measures in EPA's 2013 VGP (J. Emerson, EPA)
Hawaii Ballast Water Management Biofouling Management Update (J. Kou, HIDLNR)
Mobile treatment for emergency response and alternative ballast management (A. Orthmann, Glosten)
Oregon Ballast Water Program (R. Hooff, ORDEQ)
Overview of the MPN Method ( L. Drake, NRL)
The Challenge of Meeting Challenge (S. Loiacono, CMA)
Update on Ballast Water Research in Canada (S. Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
USCG Ballast Water Management Update (J. Morris, USCG)
Washington State Ballast Water Program (A. Pleus, WDFW)
April 15-16, 2015
US Coast Guard Ballast Water Discharge Standard Final Rule Regulatory Update (Morris, USCG)
Ballast Water and Hull Fouling Limits in EPA's Vessel General Permit (J. Emerson, USEPA)
Update on Ballast Water Research in Canada (S. Bailey, Fisheries and Oceans Canada)
Classification Society Type Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (D. DiCianna, ABS)
GIS Assessment of Ballast Water Management Compliance in California: 2004-2014 (C. Brown, CSLC)
Shipboard Testing at Golden Bear Facility (A. Orthmann, Glosten)
Ballast Treatment Test Facility Activities (B. Davidson, Cal Maritime)
Hawaii's Update on Ballast Water and Biofouling Management (K. Richardson, HDAR)
Oregon Ballast Water Program (R. Hooff, Oregon DEQ)
The Need for a Multi-State Biofouling Management Plan (E. Kincaid et al., PSU, USFWS, SERC)
California's Marine Invasive Species Program (N. Dobroski, CSLC)
Results of UW-WDFW Ballast Water Zooplankton Sampling 2001-2014 (J. Cordell et al., UW; A Pleus et al., WDFW)
Ballast Water Exchange as a Management Tool (A. Pleus, WDFW)
Biofouling Management in California: Recent Practices, Research, Proposed Regulations, and Future Goals (C. Scianni, CSLC)
Workshops and Other Meetings
Testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems Workshop, June 14-15, 2005
Workshop Report on Testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: General Guidelines and Step-wise Strategy Toward Shipboard Testing (June 2006)
Alternative Ballast Water Exchange Areas Meeting, June 20-22, 2006
Proceedings – Workshop on Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas: Physical and Biological Oceanographic ConsiderationsBallast Water Exchange Zone Publications:
West Coast Oceanography: Implications for Ballast Water Exchange (Barth et al. 2002)
Ecological and Oceanographic Criteria for Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Zones in the Pacific Region (Canada) (Levings and Foreman 2004)
Ballast Water and Shipping Patterns in Puget Sound: Considerations for Siting of Alternative Ballast Water Exchange Zones (Gramling 2000)
Ballast Water Exchange: Exploring the Feasibility of Alternate Ballast Water Exchange zones in the North Atlantic (Pederson 2004)
Meeting Presentations (PowerPoint):
Ballast Water and Shipping Patterns in Washington State (K. Anderson)
Vertical Distribution and Migration of Zooplankton (S. M. Bollens)
Distribution and Abundance of Pelagic Fish Resources (R. Emmett)
Alternative Exchange Areas: Concepts, Federal and International Legislation, Regulation and Policy (R. Everett)
State of California Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas Perspectives (M. Falkner)
Dispersal of Introduced Species in the Coastal Oceans (T. Grosholz)
Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) GIS Mapping (V. Hare)
Inferences for Biological Transport: Results from a West Coast Drift Card Study (V. Howard)
Ocean-Coast Exchange Process and SeaSonde Mapping (Mike Kosro)
Coastal Ballast Water Exchange on the West Coast of North America: Developing a Regional Plan (2001-2003) (Karen McDowell)
The California Current System from a Lagrangian Perspective (Carter Ohlmann)
Ballast Water Exchange: Exploring the Feasibility of Alternative Exchange Zones in the North Atlantic (Judith Pederson)
Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas: Workshop on Physical and Biological Oceanographic Considerations (Stephen Phillips)
Ship Mediated Invasions and Geographic Spread Along the West Coast (Greg Ruiz)
Coastal Oceanography, Larval Behavior and the Cross-shelf Transport of Larvae (Alan Shanks)
Ocean Circulation Along the US West Coast: Big, Little and In Between (Kipp Shearman)
Application of the GNOME Oil Spill Trajectory Model (Glen Watabayashi)
Lawsuit Seeks to Protect U.S. Waters From Ship Pollution, Invasive Species
Members of Congress ask EPA Administrator Michael Regan to end the agency's 50-year failure to comply with the Clean Water Act (June 2022)
Environmental groups file a notice of intent to sue the EPA over its failure to regulate ballast water (September 2022)
80 environmental organizations, public health organizations, commercial- and sport-fishing organizations and tribes ask President Biden to order the EPA to follow the law on ballast water discharges (November 2022)
Canada, Ballast Water Regulations come into force on June 3rd, 2021
Vessel Incidental Discharge National Standards of Performance: A Proposed Rule by the Environmental Protection Agency on 10/26/2020
Pre-publication of Proposed Rule "Vessel Incidental Discharge National Standards of Performance" (10/6/2020)
New NBIC Ballast Water Management Reporting Form released (8/9/20)
Final. Rule: Uniform National Discharge Standards for Vessels of the Armed Forces— Phase II Batch Two (7/17/20)
US to investigate Canada's 'unfavourable' new Great Lakes shipping rules (6/17/20)
Assessment of recreational boating as a vector for marine non-indigenous species on the Atlantic coast of Canada (Pelletier-Rousseau et al. 2019)
Applicability of a cell proliferation assay to examine DNA concentration of UV- and chlorine-treated organisms (Molina et al. 2019)
The Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) - Immediate Implications of the New Law (2018)
Pre-publication of Proposed Rule "Vessel Incidental Discharge National Standards of Performance" (10/6/2020)
IMO infographic "Complying with the Ballast Water Management Convention" (October 2018)
The 2013 EPA VGP will not be reissued prior to its December 18, 2018 expiration date (October 2018)
USCG is eliminating the requirement for certain vessels that operate exclusively within a single COTP (September 2018)
IMO Releases Ballast Water Management Video (September 2017)
New IMO global project to address bioinvasions via ships’ hulls (August 2017)
Serious Ballast Water Management Convention problems still need to be resolved by IMO (April 2014)
MEPC Still Divided on Ballast Water Issues (April 2014)
V.Group project director highlights failings in ballast water tech (April 2014)
Concerns as IMO pushes ballast water convention ratification (April 2014)
The Evolving Ballast Water Conundrum (March 2014)
Battle over ballast water (April 2013)
Ballast Water/Biofouling Documents
Biological invasions via ballast water: evaluating the distribution and gaps in research effort by geography, taxonomic group, and habitat type (Costa-Areglado, et al. 2025)
Marine Biofouling: Non-Indigenous Species and Management Across Sectors GESAMP no. 114
Technical considerations for sampling ballast water to determine compliance with discharge performance standards (Loiacono et al. 2024)
Development of capture efficacy test method for in-water cleaning system using artificial barnacles (Cho et al. 2024)
Using biophysical modelling and marine connectivity to assess the risk of natural dispersal of non‐indigenous species to comply with the Ballast Water Management Convention (Hansen et al. 2024)
Recommendation for conducting commissioning testing of Ballast Water Management Systems, No. 180 (IACS 2024)
Biological testing of ships' ballast water indicates challenges for the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention (Outinen et al. 2024)
Aquatic Invasive Species Ballast Water Treatment Factsheet (AFS 2023)
Balancing the consequences of in-water cleaning of biofouling to improve ship efficiency and reduce biosecurity risk (Scianni et al., 2023)
Biofouling occlusion of ships’ internal seawater systems: operational, economic, and biosecurity consequences (Davidson et al., 2023)
Biofilms associated with ship submerged surfaces: implications for ship biofouling management and the environment (Georgiades et al. 2023)
Commercial Vessel Ballast Water Management Report to Congress September 30, 2022
Ballast Water Management Enforcement Fiscal Year 2021 Report to Congress June 30, 2022
How Mandatory Testing Of Ballast Water Management Systems Protects Fisheries And Aquaculture (Zacharopoulou, Drake, and Drillet 2022)
Vector control reduces the rate of species invasion in the world's largest freshwater ecosystem (Ricciardi and MacIsaac 2022)
Rapid quantification of biofouling with an inexpensive, underwater camera and image analysis (Scianni et al. 2021)
Yes, we CANZ: initial compliance and lessons learned from regulating vessel biofouling management in California and New Zealand (Scianni et al. 2021)
Canada: Ballast Water Regulations: SOR/2021-120 (June 2021)
Industry Standard on In-Water Cleaning with Capture (BIMCO and ICS 2021)
Hull fouling marine invasive species pose a very low, but plausible, risk of introduction to East Antarctica in climate change scenarios (Holland et al. 2021)
Ballast Water ManagementSystems Users Guide (MARAD and Glosten 2020)
Trends in the detection of aquatic non-indigenous species across global marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems: A 50-year perspective (Bailey et al. 2020)
Protocol for the Verification of Ballast Water Compliance Monitoring Devices (Tamburri et al. 2020)
Trends in the detection of aquatic non-indigenous species across global marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems: A 50-year perspective (Bailey et al. 2020)
Protocol for the Verification of Ballast Water Compliance Monitoring Devices (Tamburri et al. 2020)
Biofouling Best Practices Handout (Coastal Committee of the Western Regional Panel 2019)
Integrated pest management for fouling organisms on boat hulls (Culver et al. 2019)
Environmental DNA Metabarcoding: A promising tool for ballast water monitoring (Rey et al. 2019)
Vessel In-Water Cleaning or Treatment: Identification of Environmental Risks and Science Needs for Evidence-Based Decision Making (Scianni and Georgiades 2019)
Genomic and microscopic analysis of ballast water in the Great Lakes region (Wright et al. 2019)
Global forecasts of shipping traffic and biological invasions to 2050 (Sardain et al. 2019)
Metabarcoding and machine learning analysis of environmental DNA in ballast water arriving to hub ports (Gerhard and Gunsch 2019)
ICES VIEWPOINT: Biofouling on vessels – what is the risk, and what might be done about it? (ICES 2019)
Common hull fouling invasive species (IMO 2018)
Biotic exchange from movement of ‘static’ maritime structures (Iacarella et al. 2018)
2018 Assessment of the Efficacy, Availability, and Environmental Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Technologies for Use in California Waters (California State Lands Commission 2018)
High diversity and potential translocation of DNS viruses in ballast water (Hwang et al. 2018)
Ballast water exchange and invasion risk posed by intra-coastal vessel traffic: An evaluation using high throughput sequencing (Darling et al. 2018)
Feasibility Study of Shore-Based Ballast Water Reception and Treatment Facilities in California (Glosten 2018)
Vessel Incidental Discharge Legislation in the 115th Congress: Background and Issues (Congressional Research Service 7-5700, 2018)
Biofouling in the U.S. Pacific States and British Columbia (Scianni, Falkner and DeBruyckere 2017)
Report to the Legislature on Non-Copper Antifouling Paints for Recreational Vehicles in Washington (Washington Department of Ecology December 2017)
Guidance Document for: Biofouling Management Regulations to Minimize the Transfer of Nonindigenous Species from Vessels Arriving at California Ports (California State Lands Commission 9/19/17)
Best Practices for Operation of Ballast Water Management Systems (Identified during ABS 2nd BWMS Workshop, Houston ABS 2017)
New Zealand Biofouling Management
Ballast Water Treatment Systems at a Glance (Hellenic Shipping News 7/22/2017)
Application of flow cytometry in ballast water analysis—biological aspects (Hoell et al. 2017)
Mini-review: Assessing the drivers of ship biofouling management – aligning industry and biosecurity goals (Davidson et al. 2016)
Intertanko guide to modern antifouling systems and biofouling management (Intertanko 2016)
Volume and contents of residual water in recreational watercraft ballast systems (Campbell et al. 2016)
An assessment of the efficacy of chemical descalers for managing non-indigenous marine species within vessel internal seawater systems and niche areas (Bracken et al. 2016)
Temporal modelling of ballast water discharge and ship-mediated invasion risk to Australia (Cope et al. 2015)
Harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water (IMO 2015)
Ballast-borne marine invasive species: Exploring the risk to coastal Alaska, USA (Verna et al. 2015)
Failure of the public health testing program for ballast water treatment systems (Cohen and Dobbs 2015)
Hydroxide stabilization as a new tool for ballast disinfection: efficacy of treatment on zooplankton (Moffitt et al. 2015)
Effectiveness of Ballast Water Exchange in Protecting Puget Sound from Invasive Species (Cordell et al. 2015)
High colonization and propagule pressure by ship ballast as a vector for the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Kaczmarska and Ehrman 2015)
Biennial Report on the California Marine Invasive Species Program (CSLC 2015)
A vector analysis of marine ornamental species in California (Williams et al. 2015)
Vessel biofouling prevention and management options report (USCG, SERC 2015)
Ballast Responder: Emergency and Contingency Measures for Ballast Water Treatment (The Glosten Associates 2014)
Assessment of the Efficacy, Availability, and Environmental Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Technologies for Use in California Waters (California State Lands Commission 2014)
Marine Invasive Species in the Arctic (Norden 2014)
Science underpinning the thresholds proposed in the CRMS: Biofouling on vessels arriving to New Zealand (Georgiades and Kluza 2014)
Vessel generator noise as a settlement cue for marine biofouling species (McDonald et al. 2014)
Transient small boats as a long-distance coastal vector for dispersal of biofouling organisms (Ashton et al. 2014)
Summary of IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee 66th session
Marine biofouling on recreational boats on swing moorings and berths (Brine et al. 2013)
Managing the Domestic Spread of Harmful Marine Organisms Part A — Operational tools for Management (Prepared for Preparedness & Partnerships Directorate, Ministry for Primary Industries [New Zealand] 2013)
Managing The Domestic Spread Of Harmful Marine Organisms, Part B: Statutory Framework And Analysis Of Options (New Zealand) (Sinner et al. 2013)
2013 Final Vessel General Permit for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels (EPA)
USCG Environmental Standards — U.S. Great Lakes Engineering and Cost Study (2013)
National Wildlife Federation v. Environmental Protection Agency (2013)
Ballast Water Management to Combat Invasive Species (CRS 2012)
Exploring the Limits of Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence for Determining Seawater Sources and Ballast Water Exchange on the US Pacific Coast (Murphy et al. 2012)
Ratification by USA — International Convention On The Control Of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems On Ships (August 2012)
Discussion Paper: Canadian Implementation of the Ballast Water Convention (Transport Canada 2012)
Response Protocols for Biofouled Debris and Invasive Species Generated by the 2011 Japan Tsunami
Crossing Boundaries: Managing Invasive Species and Water Quality Risks for Coastal Boat Hulls in California and Baja California (Johnson et al. 2012)
Integrated Pest Management for Hull Fouling in Southern California Coastal Marinas (Culver and Johnson 2012)
INTERTANKO Ballast Water Management for Tankers (downloadable product, for purchase, 2012)
Interim Guidance for Acceptance of Alternate Management Systems, Independent Laboratories, and Type Approval of BWM Systems (13 April 2012, USCG)
USCG Standards for Living Organisms in Ships’ Ballast Water Discharged in U.S. Waters (March 23, 2012)
Emergency Response Guidance for Handling Ballast Water to Control Aquatic Invasive Species (The Glosten Associates 2012)
Mixing Biocides into Ship’s Ballast Water—Great Lakes Bulk Carrier Field Trials (The Glosten Associates 2012)
Inventory of Available Controls for ANS of Concern - Chicago Area Waterway System (GLMRIS 2012)
Invasive Aquatic Species – A Proposed Alternative Solution (Hull Fouling) (Hydrex 2011)
Ballast Discharge Monitoring System for Great Lakes Relevant Ships: A Guidebook (GSI, 2011)
Economic Assessments for Ballast Water Management: A Guideline (GloBallast 2011)
Efficacy of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: a Report by the EPA Science Advisory Board (July 2011)
Assessing the Relationship Between Propagule Pressure and Invasion Risk in Ballast Water (NRC 2011)
SAB Draft Report dated March 3, 2011 for EPEC Ballast Water Review (EPA Science Advisory Board 2011)
Evaluating Efficacy of an Environmental Policy to Prevent Biological Invasions (Bailey et al. 2011)
Enumerating Sparse Organisms in Ships’ Ballast Water: Why Counting to 10 Is Not So Easy (Miller et al. 2011)
Hull Fouling:Characterizing Magnitude and Risk of Species Transfers byRecreational and Fishing Vessels (Zabin et al. 2011)
Emergency Response Guide for Handling Ballast Water to Control Non-Indigenous Species (Reynolds et al. 2010)
Availability and Efficacy of Ballast Water Treatment Technology: Background and Issue Paper (Albert et al. 2010)
Density Matters: Review of Approaches to Setting Organism-Based Ballast Water Discharge Standards (Lee, Reusser, Frazier and Ruiz, 2010)
2010 Assessment of the Efficacy, Availability, and Environmental Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Systems for Use in California Waters (CSLC, AUGUST 2010)
Intra-coastal ballast water flux and the potential for secondary spread of non-native species on the US West Coast (Simkanin et al. 2009
Silent Invasion – The Spread of Marine Invasive Species Via Ships’ Ballast Water (WWF 2009)
2009 Great Lakes Seaway Ballast Water Working Group Report
California Ballast Water Treatment Technology Testing Guidelines (2008)
Guidelines on Marine Biofouling and Invasive Species (GISP 2008)
Managing Aquatic Invasive Species Risks from Shipping Transport Pathways (State of Oregon 2008)
EPA Vessel General Permit for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels (2008)
Regulating Ballast Water Discharges: Current Legislative Issues (CRS 2008)
Ballast Water Management to Combat Invasive Species (CRS 2007)
Managing Hull-Borne Invasive Species and Coastal Water Quality for California and Baja California Boats Kept in Saltwater (Johnson et al. 2007)
Assessment of the Efficacy, Availability and Environmental Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Systems for Use in California Waters (CASLC, December 2007)
Managing Hull-Borne Invasive Species and Coastal Water Quality for California and Baja California Boats Kept in Saltwater (Johnson et al. 2006)
Issue paper: Ballast Water Issue Paper (Management Technologies Shore Based Treatment, Hull Fouling and NOBOBs, Regulations, Legislation) (Phillips 2006)
Proceedings: ABWEA_Final_Workshop on Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Areas: Physical and Biological Oceanographic Considerations (June 20-22, 2006)
Managing Hull Transport of Aquatic Invasive Species: Proceedings of May 11, 2005 Workshop in San Francisco, California (Gonzalez and Johnson, Editors, 2005)
Progress and Challenges in Preventing Introduction into U.S. Waters Via the Ballast Water in Ships (GAO 2005)
Ballast Water Exchange: Efficacy of Treating Ships’ Ballast Water to Reduce Marine Species Transfers and Invasion Success? (Ruiz et al. 2005)
Workshop Report on Testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: General Guidelines and Step-wise Strategy Toward Shipboard Testing (June 14-16 2005, Portland, Oregon)
Report: Workshop Report on Testing of Ballast Water Treatment Systems: General Guidelines and Step-wise Strategy Toward Shipboard Testing (June 14-16 2005, Portland, Oregon)
Ecological and Oceanographic Criteria for Alternate Ballast Water Exchange Zones in the Pacific Region (Levings and Forman 2004)
An Analysis of the Oregon Coastal Exchange Requirement (Vinograd 2003)
International Ballast Water Treatment R&D Symposium, IMO London 26-27 March 2001: Symposium Proceedings ( Raaymakers (Ed.) 2003)
Ballast Water and Shipping Patterns in Puget Sound: Considerations for Siting of Alternative Ballast Water Exchange Zones (PSWQAT 2000)
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in United States Estuary: A Case Study of the Biological Invasions of the San Francisco Bay and Delta (Cohen and Carlton 1995)
Washington: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Ballast Water Program
California: Marine Invasive Species Program (MISP)
Maryland: Marine Environmental Resource Center
EPA – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
NOAA – Fish and Wildlife Service – Maritime Administration: Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program
U.S. Coast Guard
Global Ballast Water Management Program (International Maritime Organization)
Great Lakes
Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) of 2018
link to final rule: Vessel Incidental Discharge National Standards of Performance 10/09/2024
EPA will provide any future updates on VIDA, outreach, VGP technical assistance, etc. on this website.
Vessel Incidental Discharge National Standards of Performance: A Proposed Rule was put forth for review by the Environmental Protection Agency on 10/18/2023
On December 4, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, which includes as Title IX [see page 131] the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act of 2018 (“VIDA”).
EPA: Pending EO 12866 Regulatory Review of “Vessel Incidental Discharge National Standards of Performance” (07/02/20)
VIDA State Authorities (EPA, USCG July 2019)
VIDA Federalism Consultation Table (EPA, USCG July 2019)
BWM reform - Vessel Incidental Discharge Act of 2018 (Bryant 2019)
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife VIDA Summary Presentation (Pleus 2019)
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife VIDA Implementation Summary (WDFW 2019)
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife VIDA History (WDFW 2019)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - Vessels - VGP (EPA December 2018)
This application includes arrival patterns and ballast water discharge patterns for vessels arriving at ports within the U.S. Pacific states of California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii.